Classes at Napa Valley Yoga Center are 75 minutes long, unless otherwise noted on the class schedule.
Class structure
Yoga classes almost always begin with a quiet time called pranayama, where we settle in to the space, leave our cares outside, and bring our attention to our body and breath. Then, your teacher will guide the group through gentle, slow warm-up exercises that will engage your body and your attention.
You may hear names of poses that you’ve never heard before. Look at the teacher and at other students for guidance of what to do. Don’t worry about looking strange; yoga students are all focused on their own practice and are used to seeing other students do their own thing. Never feel any pressure to do a pose that isn’t right for you; yoga is a completely adaptable practice, and yoga students regularly change the poses to work better for where their body is that day. Every pose is always optional, and your teacher will offer a variety of options for more challenging poses so that everyone can benefit.
You’ll feel good!
Most classes will slowly build in intensity as we engage our strength, flexibility, balance, and focus more. You will feel challenged! And most importantly, you will feel good. Some gentle style classes, such as Yin and Restorative, remain at a more soothing level throughout the class.
Every class concludes with a period called savasana (sha-VAH-sah-nah), where students lay still in silence with eyes closed. Savasana is a time for your body and mind to integrate the practice. Yoga practitioners universally speak of the peaceful, relaxed, buoyant feeling that comes at the conclusion of a yoga class.
You’ll always continue to evolve
In your first few classes, you may feel a little confused or even frustrated. Or you may feel energized, elevated, and enthralled! Or a combination of all these feelings and more; yoga provides an infinite opportunity for every individual to grow and make gains. And you will make gains; the more classes you take, the more you will see changes in yourself. These include physical changes like better balance, more strength and flexibility, improved posture, and lowered blood pressure, as well as internal changes like greater sense of calm and a more positive attitude towards life.
Learn more about the different styles of yoga we offer, and we’ll see you in class soon!